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Jackson Tatge

Graphic Design Portfolio

Financial Literacy Textbook

Jackson currently works as an QL Development for Michigan State University’s MTH102 course (Quantitative Literacy II). Duties for this position included creating simple textbook graphics, as well as animating explainer-style video lectures using Toonly software. This work was described as transformative for this course. All featured work is published by Great River Learning. 

“Flippy” Textbook Mascot

After showing work from Jackson’s upcoming mobile game to MTH102’s development team, Jackson was asked to create a mascot for the course textbook. The above mascot, Flippy, is soon to be implimented along with several variations and animations. 

Graphic Asset Examples

Above are a few examples of graphic assets created using Adobe Illustrator. These graphics, among others, were direcly implemented into the course textbook. 

Explainer-Style Video Lecture Examples

Above are a few examples of 40+ animated videos. This process involved a large quantity of audio editing. These videos were direcly implemented into the course textbook.